Kinected Experiences (2013)

Kinect + Windows Phone + Windows 8 Development via C# and HTML5

January 9-10-11, 2013

Cash and prizes!
What else can you ask for?

Registration Available!

Registration – First Come, First Served!
Registration is limited to 40 people each day.


Show and Tell

Friday, February 1 <- Date change!: Demos, Judging, Prizes awarded!
(3-5pm at Microsoft NERD, One Memorial Drive – Where is it?)

Registration is now closed.

Space remaining as of December 14: KINECT Workshop is FULL / Space Available in Windows Phone and Windows 8 Workshops

Register Now!

About the Workshops

Kinected Experiences 2013 is a series workshops to help you get started developing for Kinect for Windows, Windows Phone and Windows 8. Attend one or all!

These workshops lead to a competition that challenges you to combine your technical skills and creativity to create the next best product or app, potentially leading to a startup, or some great PR.

These workshops can also be used as a stepping stone towards a few larger competitions with a focus on socially responsible themes, including the iCampus Student Prize, IDEAS Global Challenge or the Imagine Cup. Check the Kinected Experiences website for up to date details on the workshops.

Pre-Workshop Setup

Tuesday, January 8: Setup (Time 1-3pm, Location 4-149)

We’d like you to install all the necessary software before the workshops begin. To assist you we’ll be holding office hours.

  • Windows 8 Installer (Required for Windows 8 and Windows Phone Workshops, MIT Certificates/login required)
  • New! Visual Studio 2012 (Required for all workshops, you can signup for a free Dreamspark account using your email address)
  • Windows Phone SDK (Required for Windows Phone Workshop)
  • Kinect for Windows SDK (Required for Kinect for Windows Workshop)


Wednesday, January 9: Kinect Development (9am10a-3pm, 4-149)

  • In this session, you will learn how to develop and create applications using the official Kinect SDK. You will walk through features such as:
    • Skeletal Viewer
    • Audio Capture
    • Speech
  • You will have some lab time to start building your own applications for the competition and get help as needed.

Windows 8

Thursday, January 10: Windows 8 Development (9am10a-3pm, 4-149)

  • You will learn how to get started on that next great app for the Phone. This is your chance to design and implement that cool new app you’ve been dreaming about, or put the finishing touches on your masterpiece, so bring your idea for a Phone App and get ready to code or come to port your current iOS or Android app!
  • Physical phone devices will be provided for testing purposes

Windows Phone 8

Friday, January 11: Windows Phone 8 Development (9am10a-3pm-3p, 4-149)

  • You will be able to install and learn how to write applications (HTML5 and C#) for Windows 8.
Office Hours

Tuesday, January 22 – Thursday, January 24: Office Hours (Time TBD, Location TBD)

Email gogomit -at- microsoft -dot- com for more info about the office hours.

  • Stuck on your code or implementation? We will hold office hours to point you in the right direction!


  • Last year, every participant walked away with Kinect and Windows Phone devices! What could be in store this year?
  • Cash prizes totaling at least $6,000.
  • Swag
    • T-Shirts
    • XBOX 360 Games
    • Kinect device
    • Windows Phone devices
  • Food: Lunch served each day (registration required for headcount)

The starting point for more!

These workshops can also be used as a stepping stone towards a few larger competitions with a focus on socially responsible themes, including:

  • MIT iCampus Student Prize: The iCampus Student Prize recognizes the innovative and creative application of technology that improves living and learning at MIT. The competition builds upon the entrepreneurism and spirit of service exhibited by MIT students to solve the world’s problems by focusing attention of what might be improved closer to home in MIT’s education and student life. See for more information.
  • MIT IDEAS Global Challenge: IDEAS Global Challenge is an annual invention and entrepreneurship competition for innovative service projects that positively impact underserved communities. Through IDEAS teams of MIT students and their collaborators work with a community partner to design and implement innovative projects that improve the quality of life in communities around the world. See for more information.
  • Microsoft Imagine Cup: Grants totaling $3 Million over the next 3 years creating focused on building technology to address the world’s toughest issues. See for more information.