Many MIT students pursue short-‐term work opportunities to gain insights about fields or industries that they would be interested in working. These opportunities are offered all over the country, but in order to participate one needs a place to live. Not every summer internship program can offer housing to its participants. So in order to find housing, students turn to the Internet or the family and friends. There are problems with both approaches. The Internet has a few types of websites that don’t serve the short-‐term temporary housing market very well. There’s Craigslist, which is a free service, but you have to be wary of scams and their website is not designed to support detailed searches; there are sites that are tailored to short term housing listing, but one has to pay to get information to connect with someone and that business model does not seem convenient for students; there are free housing search sites, but they are geared for longer term housing commitments. CasaNexus will address these needs by providing an easy to use interface for posting and searching for housing.
Team: Connie Chan ’12 and Moji Jimoh ’12.