P-set Central – First Round Winner, Spring 2011

All MIT students have classes, and thus all MIT students have homework assignments. Some students are capable of completing their assignments on their own. However, the vast majority of MIT students have learned that the most effective way to complete homework assignments is to work together with other MIT students in groups or ask an instructor for help. Working together in groups provides MIT students an opportunity to better comprehend the course material as well as foster teamwork. Unfortunately, there are many external factors that make organizing study groups troublesome. It is very unlikely that multiple MIT students have the same class schedule. Many MIT students participate in sports and clubs. Many MIT students live in singles or live a sizeable distance from other students in their classes (or a combination of the two). Massachusetts weather may deter traveling long distances with its humidity, storms, and snow. As a result of these factors, many students may find difficulty in organizing study groups and many are deterred completely from participating in any. We feel that P-set Central will help MIT students find and participate in study groups.

Source: Meza, D. (2011). Project P-set-Central.